CO2 car project and mission Mars project

Hi my name is Sai likhith and I am a scientist and I am working on the CO2 car project and mission Mars project and now I am submitting this proposal to you so I am now explaining about what changes occurs during this mission and can convert mars planet into habitable planet and form the oceans and atmosphere and oxygen in mars and within the 11 months or 1 year and this project help you and let see what changes occurs and timeline at what timing what changes occurs in this mission

Contact e-mail :-

Full name :- Sai likhith mallela




2023   June

Sending 1000 cars to the mars and also sending one special bomb and one device and some contents content will be revealed after some time  to the mars and making them to land successful in the mars and this 1000 cars will convert the CO2 in mars into O2 upto 300 million tonnes of co2 into O2 per year


2023    July

And with the help of our space station astronauts we will launch special bomb which is developed by me to the polar region where the water exists in the Mars and exploding this special bomb on that water present in mars in ice state nearly 5 million cubic km


2023 August

Due to that explosion of special bomb developed by me some liquid content will be get out while exploding and spread all over the ice on the mars and this is 100 % useful to humans and it is also radio active proof because the chemical developed in that bomb in not any radioactive element it is a some type of chemical solution which can be make human healthy while drinking that water and melts the mars water which is in form of ice to liquid by reducing the melting point of ice present on mars into -135°c so all water will come into liquid state


2023 August 2nd week

The ice in mars melts into water and spread as oceans all over the mars you will be raise a doubt after exploding is it safe to take that water then in earth the melting point of ocean decreased due to presence of salt so due to salt the oceans will have very less melting point so salts and some chemical compounds can reduce melting point of ice so due to this that chemical is based and made as powerful chemical which can melt anytype of liquid or water content so now in this august 2nd week the oceans seas rivers lakes are formed


2023 September

The oceans are formed slowly evaporation will be take place because evaporation will not depends on temperature so evaporation will occurs on mars and clouds will be forms within some week after oceans formed


2023  October

Now we has carried some content that are some seeds and microorganisms which can be send to mars and because we need to develop vegetation on mars


2023 October 4th week

Send birds upto 25 and some fishes nearly 25 to mars


2023 November

By this the birds will help us to increase the vegetation because with the help of birds we can Expand vegetation because the birds helps us while doing this work they will take some seeds and spread them in mars and also can make the vegetation grow better and the fish the fishes will start the aquatic life and help us to increase the aquatic life in the mars and fishes also expand their population and which can be after be a resource of food to all of us


2023 December

Now we can see a light vegetation at some area in mars because the raining can be occur on mars and due to many changes the atmosphere starts to change in gases composition between them like atmosphere forms in the mars


2024 January

And our cars will also convert CO2 into O2 and also the o2 will be increases day by day and also some what atmosphere due to gases composition increase and plants and vegetation and plant life on mars and this help us to send humans to mars


2024 February

Sending humans to mars and humans will be visit mars and what changes happen by us it is compatible for us to live on the mars and they will research and give what ever information we want


2024 march

So vast number of vegetation and aquatic life will be forms in mars


2024   April

Now the humans in the mars send us information and analysis it we can take a decision to send some humans and develop it scientifically and develop mars for humans so now the mars is completely habitable and we can convert the mars completely by this way


2024   may     

So mars is habitable we can send more humans to the mars


So now we has been Been visited at what time what change will be occur on mars through our project

So let we see about it how can we do this so first let we see how does the CO2

So let we see about it how can we do this so first let we see how does the CO2 car will works and how can convert the million tonnes of co2 in mars

Now a days nasa is working for the mars mission and even a new company the spacex want to go to the mars and nasa is trying to send humans to Mars in 2030 and the spacex is trying to send humans to the mars within the 2026 here we can see that they both are different but their main agenda is to go to the mars and make the civilization in the mars and make a home in the mars so now this are there now I am discussing about nasa that nasa is still trying to go to Mars and even all now I has been came with a proposal on the mars mission which can make a lot of change in human and the nasa history and let I will discuss about what are main problem faced to the mars mission by nasa are :-

1) gravity

2) CO2

3) lack of oxygen

4) lack of water

5) still we don't know complete about the mars soil

6) it is too far

7) if human is possible to move mars the problem is how to convert the CO2 into O2 how can human lives there without proper oxygen

8) there are no single tree

9) we want to veritable the planet and we want to make it as habitable planet

10) mars does not have strong gravity and magnetism

11) solar winds

12) food how can we survive there and we will have food

13)main problem which all are linked with the CO2 and o2 and even there are more problems but this are some important problems so there are more problems etc.


So here you can know what are actually major problem for the mars mission so I am now let I will discuss about now the nasa want to send first human to Mars successful by the 2030 it is the NASA plan now I want to tell that 

I has been came with a proposal for the NASA that I can solve all problems in the mars mission and even we can end the major problem which is the CO2 and o2 



So I has been developed a complete idea and theoretical and mechanical and practicable proposal for the NASA that just it will be complete by the next four months it has been completely developed proposal and just we want to make it practicable and just we want to show it to the world that means I has been made a proposal that it was 99 % completed in all ways just we want to assemble it with the latest NASA technology


That I want to tell I has been invented a car which can take the CO2 as a fuel and gives o2 as a product out so by this normally in earth it can convert 45 tonnes of co2 into O2 in earth per day by each car and 

675 of co2 into O2 in mars due to it can convert more in the mars due to Mars gravity and habitation and even more factors are based and gave this value it is 99.99% correct value

So here I has been came with a basic proposal that if we can send 1000 vehicle to the mars then we can convert 675,000  tonnes of co2 into O2 in a day and nearly 246,375,000 tonnes of co2 into O2 in a year that means 

So that means we are converting 246,375,000 tonnes of co2 into O2 in a year


That means here tonnes = the air is compressed as 1 tonnes

If we are converted 246,375,000 tonnes successful and we can send same interval of cars in next time and we can convert more and we can make the o2 percent more

And this can help us to make to increase the o2 in mars and by this we can solve some what problem of co2 in mars and even then if we have this type of the climate created and we just converted the some what percent of the o2 which is equal to the 10% or even more or less then we will just send the microorganisms which are useful for to grow plants more and even some bacteria rhizobium and fungi and even some more organisms and this organisms does not need that much of oxygen so they can survive easily with the converted oxygen and then they will fertile some what soil of the mars and then we will grow the some essential normal plants which consume less water and then we are recently know about that there are the ice in the poles of the mars And I has been developed a new technology which can help you and which is type of device or idea can help you to melt all 5 million cubic km of the ice in the mars 

And after the water will form from the ice and after that we can make a huge water bodies like oceans, rivers, lakes, other water bodies in the mars etc and after that the evaporation process will be occurs all over the water bodies then the water will evaporate and the rains will be occurs all over the mars

After the rain occur we will sprouts the seeds and we will cultivate with that few water and we can start vegetation on the mars dues to the microorganisms present in mars which can help the plants to grow faster and there is no problem with the plants and we can create food there by this and even we can make the mars soil fertile and after that with the help of small amount of vegetation and the cars will be works and they will be convert the CO2 into the o2 and now I want to tell what are my plans and about how I can change mars so view the my plans


And if you want a car which is look like car there is completely another type of model also it will depend upon the NASA

And about car you can know here 

My car design is :

         Or if you want another design it can be also possible you can also view it will depends on your choice 

This is a car design and car should be look like this sir

Material used for this fuel system is 

the proposed vehicle consists of at least the following components:

· Solar panels (on vehicle roof) very small which is for safety we can use it or we can make it optional it will depends on the company so the solar panels are

 (not required)

· Battery (2)

· Device to capture and separate CO2 from air - 

· Device to split (2) CO2 in (1) C2 and (2) O2 - 

· cylindrical 2 fuel tank one is 50 Litres and another is 5 litres Tank for h2 and c2h2

· Device to generate  (acetylene, C2H2) out of C2 and H2

· internal combustion engine normal used for gasoline 

(depends on the company so which engine you will use you can mention here)



Cost see here:-


 So view the cost how much does this car will cost now you can tell that this fuel system car is the best car

Car battery (2)                                                 :- 200$

Device to capture air and CO2 and seperate the CO2 

 It will be cost                                                  :- 100$

Device to split CO2 and make all process and make the CO2 as a C2 and o2 will be cost around    :- 100$

Device to genrate c2h2 from C2 and h2    :- 50$

Cylinder 50 litres fuel tank it will be cost   :- 150-200$

Cylinder 5 litres fuel tank it will be cost      :- 25-35$

Engine depends what will be used by the company :- (mention your engine value here)

Total cost to build this.                                  :- 625-685$


Procedure and theory and the documentary is this sir

Dear sir,

I want to tell there is no unknown element is there here and I want to tell

this process and this car also process this method

When I want to tell the that the one fan will be outside of the car which

will be operated and then it will such the air and the dust also with it and

dust will comes out and again with the special technology on it will filter

it like this CO2 and o2 and other gases so by this the o2 and the other

gases will be comes out of the car with the special type of pressure and

the CO2 and another CO2 will be comes together and forms the 2co2

means dicarbon dioxide and it is not a new element it also exist and now

when we take the 2co2 and we will make a decomposition of it with a

process of special and it will be divided into the 2co2=C2+2o2 you can

verify this equation also sir and now the 2o2 when enters out from the

car automatically it converts into the 2o2=o2+o2 and you can also verify

it also sir and now last product is the C2 and now we will take this C2 and

add it to the h2 which is filled and now when this start converting we has

been know this that 


And you can verify this equation also so the it forms as the acetylene and now this acetylene  is our final product which is used as a fuel of the


There it is looks so simple process to me also but it take time because it is a complex process so it takes 3 years for me I can show this for you This process looks like this I has been sended images for you below seethe process

I will teach that when the air enters it divides and now

CO2(carbon dioxide)+CO2(carbon dioxide)=2CO2 (di carbon dioxide)

And then we taken the 2CO2 and we send it to another process

2CO2(di carbon dioxide)=C2(carbon)+2o2

And now the 2o2 will be sent out of the car and the now the

2o2=o2(oxygen)+o2(oxygen) so it comes out

Now there is only the C2 left you can see and now the C2 is added to the

h2 to form the acethelene

C2(corbon as gas form)+H2(Hydrogen)=c2h2(acethelene)

And now the c2h2(acethelene) is our fuel product you can see this sir

And now the element and compounds included are this

C2,h2,o2,2o2,2co2,CO2 so this are the elements which we can see in this

reaction and you can verify each and every element in this and this all

are existed and by a certain conditions and pressure and temperature it

will be depends so it it difficult to know I has been know about it

So this is a data which help you and also you can verify about this by the


And also 

Acetylene (systematic name: ethyne) is the chemical compound with the formula C2H2. It is a hydrocarbon and the simplest alkyne. This colorless gas (lower hydrocarbons are generally gaseous in nature) is widely used as a fuel

What is the best fuel to be used as energy for car engines?

Alternative fuels such as hydrogen, acetylene, natural gas, ethanol and biofuels also uses in internal combustion engines. Hydrogen in the gas phase is about 14 times lighter than the air. Moreover, it is the cleanest fuel in the world.

And let's see the highlighted text and you can confirm that and alternative fuel is the best c2h2(acetylene) so this is best fuel For us and this is the 100% unique process and you can search any where this process you can't find this so the c2h2 is the best fuel for the car but so let's we see about it let I will be discuss it with you that this not only use a new fuel by this we can end the CO2 and give o2 so let's we see it 

Proof how does the acethelene used as a fuel for the engine:

Now I will give some YouTube links many people trys the acetylene as a

fuel for vehicle

Links are

Many experiment and schools and other are try the acetylene as a fuel

for the vehicle

So view this video's 

That confirm the c2h2 as a fuel

So there is one more step forward to our project

And now I am trying you to help me sir please

And sorry for that I has been tried my best to explain about the car fuel system here if you can't know or can't understand this there is way let we will have a online meeting and I want to tell that please view the images and you can also verify the equation and procedure used here and this procedure just depends some factor make this equation balanced I has been not mentioned the correct information of which factors and what value it should be it is completely ready just we want to make it practicable within 3 months I can build this fuel system first prototype for the NASA if they want and want I can make this vehicle and after first prototype I can make 1000 vehicles in 1 month only so if they want I can build all vehicle within 4 months so if you can't understand about this process mail me at and we will have a online meeting and discuss about it and if you lose this chance about this vehicle there is other ways which is fast and helpful for the nasa so let we have a online neeting and if NASA can't understand mail me at I will explain complete about it because you has been mentioned to write less and complete in 5 pages I has been not mentioned more and if you want to know complete about this process and want to know then it is mention below of this pdf and you can see with title how can it helpful for the earth which is after about the mars visit it

How to convert the 5 million cubic km of ice into water within 1 month :-



Option 1 :-

And I want to tell how can we do it now I will give you an example and now if we take an ice and it's melting point is the 0°c and so it is a normal melting point of the ice and there are some chemical compounds which are used to reduce the melting point of ice like sugar , baking soda , salt etc this are the organic compounds which are used in our home and if will use them on the ice then it will decrease it's melting point and now I want to tell with an example that salt (NaCl) which can be used if we will drop some salt in the ice and if we add salt to the ice then the ice will be reduce its melting point and now the normal melting point of ice is 0°c and if we add NaCl to the ice then melting point will become the -10°c and so if we use different type of chemical compounds and chemicals which will reduce the melting point of the ice and it can be vary from -10°c to the -1000°c or even more so now I want to tell that we want to reduce the melting point of the ice in mars from 0°c present we want to take upto -125°c so now why I am telling to make melting point the -125°c because the mars has the temperature of -125°c in the winter if we plan and make to reduce the melting point of ice in mars the perfect season is summer because in this time the temperature will be lower so in that time if we can decrease the melting point of the ice we can melt all the ice within a week and you can tell now how can we do this we want to explode a special chemical which is not mentioned for safety which can reduce the ice melting point upto the -135°c so at this temperature we can melt the ice as faster as possible in a week and just we need to make explosion of this chemical in that region where there is the ice on mars and this chemical can be spread fastly from one point to other point as fast as possible so by that if we can explode this chemical at the 1000 cubic km region this chemical can spread upto 1 million cubic km so if spread this chemical at 5 location within week we can make water body in the mars this chemical can make a heat on the ice and even it react with water molecules and reduce its melting point so I want to tell if we use this method I think this is the best method we can do and this can be more affordable than other option and with just 5 location explosion in mars we can melt entire water in the mars so I think this is the best option

And I will recommend this option for if there are any temperature change in mars also due to less melting point of the ice created by us make to cannot form ice just we will explode this chemical in 1000 km area and it can spread and decrease melting point upto the 1 million cubic km's  and if we can do this this is life time solution to melt water on the ice and this chemical is very helpful for human to survive and it is not a harmful chemical and this chemical contain very useful products on it which can help human to be healthy and now in our earth the water is with NaCl salt so this salt is useful for us so same this chemical used to reduce melting point can be 100% safe for the human to take

And I has been found that chemical which can melt the ice at -135°c so if you want to pick this option you can contact me at 


Option 2 :-


Breaking bond inside the ice in the mars so I want to tell the ice can have a maximum pressure inside is between the  between about 25,000 and 114,000 psiand do the ice can excert the maximum pressure of 114,000 psi inside so as per guess the mars ice can excert even more pressure in ice because it is in the very low temperature so it can be nearly 300,000 psi as per a guess it can be less so we want to add a device which can increase the presure so it can increase presure upto 1,000,000 psi so if we can make this device and if we sent or just land on the ice of the mars it just breack the all ice within a 2 days and when this device has been set of ice or used on ice it can be spears more pressure that normal pressure on the ice so after that within its area it can spread nearly the pressure at 1.5 million cubic km area it can spread the pressure and break bond of the ice with pressure normally when a lite more pressure exert on ice more that it capacity it will be break down so by this principle if we can use this device which can be used and increase presure and complete break down of 1.5 million cubic km area so by this we can save a lot there is no any chemical used here and just this pressure make the ice to be break down of bond between them in ice state and make the ice to be melt and the ice will be convert into water within a 7 days as this breakers ice will move down the temperature rises and friction increase and melts and form the water so I will tell a small thing how can it works now now will we be see shoot the we will shoot the device on the ice and after that device will be controlled by us so after shoot 4 device at correct location on ice we will control it and start all device at once within 1 day all ice will be break and spread and that due to break down of ice into small parts it will slide or more changes occur physical so the pressure is more and due to it will slide there is a friction and heat can be occured due to physical change so there is more pressure at every molecules of ice make it to change its state so it will change from the solid state to ice state so it can be happen within 7 days so there will be water body on the mars

I will recommend this option if you don't like the previous option because each divice can melts and excert the pressure to melt it and break it upto 1.5 million cubic km so it is a very vast area

So these are two options and this are the best option which can be affordable by the nasa there are other ways more three if you can't like this then nasa can contact me at and I can provide another 3 ways how to melt this are the two ways which are the best and fast solution

In earth uses of my idea and my car is :-


Cost see here:-


 So view the cost how much does this car will cost now you can tell that this fuel system car is the best car

Car battery (2) :- 200$

Device to capture air and CO2 and seperate the CO2        :- 100$

Device to split CO2 and make all process and make the CO2 as a C2 and o2 will be cost around         :- 100$

Device to genrate c2h2 from C2 and h2 will be cost.         :- 50$

Cylinder 50 litres fuel tank it will be cost around         :- 150-200$

Cylinder 5 litres fuel tank it will be cost around         :- 25-35$

Engine depends what will be used by the company :- (mention your engine value here)

Total cost to build this :- 625-685$

And you can see how this car will be look here :-

And you can see the electric car:-

Fuel system also see it will be cost around for the battery only 4000-6000 $ 

Dc converter cost :- 2200$

So here you can see only dc conventer and battery will cost more still there are more parts we want to calculate so view here

And it is a important note:-

It is very special process and it look like a very complex process but I has been changed it into a very simple process and this can help us

And I want to tell that it practicable and it is feasible and this can can be work because I has been working on this idea from a 4-5 years and made this idea as applicable and also I want to tell that in automobile sector every year there any new revolution is has been done because first we use the Ligroin as fuel for vehicle next we developed petrol and next gasoline and next diesel and next ethonal and next steam and more fuel systems are introduced and they has been changed our life's also and we are using maximum the gasoline engine and now newly we are using electric engine also for vehicle so I want to tell that every year and every stage there is a new fuel system is introduced and I want to tell that why I discussed about it here because

If by example let's we take electric cars as examples

If electric cars are in idea stage and development stage then if they think that this is not practicable and not feasible then we will not get the electric vehicles and if we not introduced this electric vehicles then we only use the gasoline engine and we will get most of the problem for future because 30% of green house gases and global warming are from cars and automobile so I want to tell the electric car want to stop pollution and CO2

But I has been came with a CO2 fuel system and why I has been came here because we are suffering from pollution and greenhouse gas and CO2 emissions and this are has been a major problem for us and just I will compare this as evil then

Why we are suffering and let we use our evils and make it as a good for us so

By that way I has been worked from last 4-5 years and I made a lot of work and found that we can use CO2 as fuel with the combination of h2 and which can release o2 so here

Evil = CO2

Good = o2 

So we don't want pollution and CO2 so let we convert them into O2 from here by this sector and by this I want to tell that 

And I want to tell that I want to control the 70% of global warming and 5o reduce nearly 70% global warming every years and also give more oxygen to this world so if we can end the 70% global warming it is best for us and

And I want to tell it is practicable and it is feasible and we can do and if you want to you can see image I provided as attachment it will refer how the fuel system works and it will show breifly 

and so here also same to same if we learn about it completely then we can also invent the CO2 fuel system car 

I have all proves that it is feasible and practicable so please view the complete process competely and then think that you will also tell same that it will be successful and practicable and feasible and can I know what will interrupt you that it is no practicable and mention that resons and I will be tell you completely how we can over came that reasons so I have all knowledge

How this fuel system is Different and better than the electric car fuel system and the gasoline and diesel and petrol fuel system and what are speciality of this type of fuel system which has been developed by me :-

And let we see here I has been named this fuel system as a CO2 fuel system and here we can see that difference that let see about pollution

Pollution and CO2 emissions and green house gases :-

Diesel and petrol and gasoline fuel system:-

Here we can see that this type of fuel will be taken as a fuel for vehicle and due to internal combustion the green house CO2 will be released and we know about it that CO2 is mainly increased day by day by the pollution by this type of fuel system and let we see here that so for that more CO2 emissions is problem for us so it is the majority of pollution reason and let we see about here the electric fuel Vehicle and my fuel system which is developed by me the CO2 fuel system

Electric fuel system:-

And let we see how the electric car is best way see I will explain some points by this you can conclude this that in terms of pollution the electric car does not release any gas because it is totally work with the electric energy so it will not release any of the green of gases and the CO2 and so by this it is a best fuel system but I want to tell that it is not mostly best because

Electric car will be just stop pollution and  the CO2 and stop green house gases just it will stop the CO2 and it doesn't make any change to the atmosphere because

And now it the earth still no we has been polluted most of earth and we are just want to stop the pollution and CO2 emissions so I want to tell that it is not enough for us and I want Tell that from the past 100 years nearly 1° C  has been rised and still if we stop pollution and CO2 emissions from the vehicle it is not enough for us and because our day to day life and revolution we are just making more CO2 emissions by the factories and construction and deforestation and more so by stoping in this sector of vehicle it is not stop the global warming yes it stop but in very few percentage a 30%

In total, the US transportation sector—which includes cars, trucks, planes, trains, ships, and freight—produces nearly thirty percent of all US global warming emissions, more than almost any other sector

here we can see by the vehicles 30% of global warming is recorded so still 70% is from the another sector so here we want to see we want to end the CO2 and we want to decrease the CO2 so I will be tell how can we

Here I will discuss how my fuel system has been overcome this problem and help us

CO2 fuel system which is developed by me :-

And here I want to tell that this is the best option here that this is the fuel system which has been developed by me in terms of the pollution and green house gases and CO2 emissions it is the best way to stop them that I want to tell that the process

This fuel system will be absorb the CO2 from atmosphere and we will be fill the h2 and by this this both will react and give us the c2h2 and o2 and you can't know correctly how it possible so visit the data which I has been mentioned that theory and procedure and how it work it explain about how this work that means this type of fuel means

That this will be take CO2 as fuel and release the o2

So I want to tell that each car can convert 5 tonnes of co2 into O2 each car per day

So by every vehicle we can convert 5 tonnes of co2 into O2 per day so here you can see that

It will not stop CO2 but 

It will decrease the CO2 by every car amount of 5 tonnes and release 3-4 tonnes of o2 to atmosphere so here you can conclude

It will decrease CO2 and increase o2

And here you can see that

Gasoline:- it will only increase CO2 and other green house gases

Electric car:- no change it it will not increase or decrease CO2 and not increase or decrease o2

CO2 fuel system:- decrease CO2 and increase o2 

Nearly by each car we can convert 5 tonnes of co2 into O2

I want to tell if we sell nearly 10 million CO2 fuelled car we can convert 50 million tonnes of co2 into O2 in a day and we can produce 30-40 million tonnes of o2 and

 if there is more sales then we have less CO2 and more o2

Cost :-

Gasoline and petrol and diesel fuel car:-

And the normal average gasoline car will be take nearly from 14,000$ to 18,000$ and this much of cost it will take to produce and we will not discuss about it now and let we see electric and my CO2 fuel car system

Electric car:-

And here we can see that for manufacturing a electric car it will cost us  19,000$ to 21,000$ for production of a each car and here I want to tell see this and now let we see how much does my idea will cost us

CO2 fuel car system developed by me :-

And here we can conclude that for manufacturing this car it will cost us nearly average a 16,000$ to 18,000$ why and it will cost less than electric car to manufacturing it and I will be tell the difference we can save nearly 1,000$ to 5,000$ nearly so by saving this much will be make another car so here we can conclude that it will cost us less see this

Let we see results:-

Gasoline:- 14,000$ to 18,000$

Electric car:- 19,000$ to 21,000$

CO2 fuel system car:- 16,000$ to 18,000$

We can conclude here that it is more affordable for production

Let see which is better by comparison:-

Electric car:-

* It will just stop the CO2 emissions and doesn't release any gases

* It is will quite expensive than normal car

* It is a fuel efficiency and better for us also and Lett see next comparison and we know about this and this will give us the best range also when fully charged

*And I want to tell that by electric car we can't stop global warming but we can decrease the 30% global warming but now in this world it will always be global warming by any of sector and in our development we can make more global warming also so by stoping it is not enough but by decrease the CO2 and increase o2 will help us 

* And I want to tell from last 50 years in Antarctica the temperature has been increased by the 3°c and let's we see the reson is global warming and and according to scientists analysis if the 2°c more rised then there is big problem to us that the ice will be melt in the antartica and if the ice melt in Antarctica then we will loss most of fresh water and also the ocean will rises nearly 13 meter all over the world so coastal areas will be flooded and destroyed so here we can see that

*There is more global warming and majority it is by the CO2 so we won't want to stop CO2 now but we want to decrease it so all over the world is trying this so I want to tell this we want to decrease CO2 and increase o2 and when o2 is increases the earth will be cool down

*And it is eco-friendly

CO2 fuel system car:-

* It will stop the CO2 emissions but it will decrease CO2 in atmosphere and increase o2 to atmosphere why let see this will take CO2 in term of fuel with the h2 and give us the fuel product and o2 and by this nearly

Each car con convert 5 tonnes of co2 into O2 per day 

And if we can sell 10 million car in term of sales then we can convert 50 million tonnes of co2 into O2 per day that means 18 billion tonnes of co2 into O2 in a year by just 10 million car sales and by this

Also in 18 billion tonnes it will give nearly 12 billion tonnes of o2 to the atmosphere and this is a huge conversation by just 10 million cars and if we can make 100 million car sales then we can convert 500 million tonnes of co2 into O2 per day and 1.8 trillion tonnes in a year and give 1.2 trillion tonnes of o2 to the atmosphere

* So for every sale we are decrease CO2 and increase o2 every sale is precious for our life and earth

* There is more global warming and majority it is by the CO2 so we won't want to stop CO2 now but we want to decrease it so all over the world is trying this so I want to tell this we want to decrease CO2 and increase o2 and when o2 is increases the earth will be cool down

* It is quite cheaper and same price as the normal car

* and it is nearly 1,000$ to 5,000$ cheaper than electric car in production so in production only we can save more

* It is mostly eco-friendly than the electric car

In my terms that this CO2 fuel system car is mostly useful for us to make our earth as the best place and it better that electric car

And so I conclude this and you can also think about it deeply you can find this is the best idea for you in term of fuel system for vehicle and I want to tell that I don't tell the electric car is worst but I am telling that electric car is best but this car is better than electric car now for this earth both electric and CO2 fuel system car is important and just we want to make to help earth by this sector in all global warming and more thinks

And also 

Acetylene (systematic name: ethyne) is the chemical compound with the formula C2H2. It is a hydrocarbon and the simplest alkyne. This colorless gas (lower hydrocarbons are generally gaseous in nature) is widely used as a fuel

What is the best fuel to be used as energy for car engines?

Alternative fuels such as hydrogen, acetylene, natural gas, ethanol and biofuels also uses in internal combustion engines. Hydrogen in the gas phase is about 14 times lighter than the air. Moreover, it is the cleanest fuel in the world.

And let's see the highlighted text and you can confirm that and alternative fuel is the best c2h2(acetylene) so this is best fuel For us and this is the 100% unique process and you can search any where this process you can't find this so the c2h2 is the best fuel for the car but so let's we see about it let I will be discuss it with you that this not only use a new fuel by this we can end the CO2 and give o2 so let's we see it 


This is my idea and I has been pitch about it for the NASA and I can make all device which want for nasa and chemical even all within a 1 years 4 months for car and 4 months for device of the pressure which can help us to break the ice if you want and other 4 months for extra time if it can fast or slow depend on factor we can complete whole process in 8-12 months only so if you trust me this is a chance and if NASAL losses this opportunity never can meet me again so I want to tell this can be helpful for the NASA which save both money and time for the NASA it can be save billions for the nasa years of time for the NASA

Contact me at if you want

So thanks for giving me this opportunity to share my idea and technology with the NASA thanks,

From sai likhith ,




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