Short narrative discription for the NASA

Title:- this idea is about how can we convert CO2 in mars and about 246 million tonnes of co2 into O2 in a year and about how to melt the 5 million cubic km ice in the mars  within 1 month which has been informed at detailed  and about it can also help in earth which can convert the CO2 into O2 in earth nearly 16.2 trillion tonnes of co2 into O2 in earth 

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Full name :- sai likhith mallela


  • Our judges will be asking themselves the following questions regarding your submittal in their evaluation:
a. Which area of focus does the proposal seem to address?

The proposal is seem to address about the mission Mars and help the nasa the most challenging area which are faced in the mission Mars has been answered below so this about the space and other planets and about mars it address

b. Does the development have the potential to break new ground in its field?

This idea is about development of the mission Mars and which can save time and which can also break the new ground on the mission Mars it consists of Important and which is a very big challenge to nasa to do this that as melting of ice in mars , CO2 in the mars, making of mars as habitable , so this three are main and which can also make an artificial cloud in mars so this development have the potential to break new ground in its field

c. Can the innovation go to market quickly (ideally within two years)?

This can go to market within 8-12 months and we can make the car within 3 months which convert CO2 into O2 and wich can be a very less time you has been mentioned two years but here 8-12 months only

d. Is it clear how the business will generate money?

this can generate more money in this business And after making we can sell this car in the earth we can gain more number of the customer and sales in the automobile sector it is about to the automobile sector and if we can sell each car at 20,000 $ and if we can sell million cars we can earn 20 billions and even it can save nearly billion to the nasa in even the mars mission and if we want to go to mars and we want to generate o2 in mars so it can be lot of waste to spend money to convert to the nasa so if we can take this step to send just 1000 cars to mars which cost just 40-50 millions and which can be transported to the mars than it can convert 246 million tonnes to the mars so if we want to convert with this much of co2 into O2 we will cost billion of dollars and to melt the ice in the mars nearly 5 million cubic km of ice in mars so if we use a nuclear bomb to blast it then the whole water become the radioactive and which the water is not useable in the mars so if we melt with my method the water become consist most of mineral and vitamins and some important to the human which is the best way So it can save the billions and trillions for the nasa and usa government so it can generate revenue and save a lot of money so it is helpful for the government

e. Does the submitter clearly understand who the customer is?

Yes I am clearly understood who is the customer which ia the NASA and usa government and humans in the mars

f. Does the submitter have the skills to succeed?

Yes I have a skills to make this project and idea as a successful within a year so I have skills

g. Does the submitter have a clear path and milestones to succeed?

Yes I am clear path and milestone to make this as the succeed and I has been worked nearly 5 to 6 years and I has been developed this idea as a I make it as without any loop hole and I am has been developed it as the best way and I can make it as real within 4 months I can make the car and give to the nasa so there is a clear path to my idea and which can help the NASA

 So my idea is about to convert the CO2 in mars into O2 and melt the 5 million cubic km of ice in mars and melt within 1 month and make the mars has habitable planet and start vegetation on mars and convert the CO2 in mars into the o2 in the mars so by this to make the mars as human exploration planet as mars without any space suit and this is about how start rain on the mars and how can it is helpful for the earth also it is a short narrative discription about my idea and my name is sai likhith and contact me at


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