Change of ford by this proposal

 This is the change which can bring by me within the 3 years of period in ford :-

Present :-

Share value = 13 $

Outstanding shares = 3.92 B

Valuation now :- 50,960,000,000 $

Largest individual share holders are

William clay fold.jr = 8,078,227 shares

James D Farley , jr.  = 1,103,833 shares

James p Hackett.      =    564,586 shares

Their share present value :-

William clay fold.jr = 105,016,951 $

James D Farley , jr.  =   14,349,829 $

James p Hackett.      =     7,339,618 $

After 3 years of the period by this proposal can make this it can increase the ford by 550 times and 55,000 % you can view the change below :-

Share value :- 7,150$

Outstanding shares :- 3.92 B

valuation :- 28 trillions

Largest individual share holders are

William clay fold.jr = 8,078,227 shares

James D Farley , jr.  = 1,103,833 shares

James p Hackett.      =    564,586 shares

Their share present value :-

William clay fold.jr = 57,759,323,050 $

James D Farley , jr.  =   7,892,405,950 $

James p Hackett.      =   4,036,789,900 $

So this can make how much a lot of change can be done for the ford so this can make of of change for the William clay ford.jr , James D Farley , jr , James p Hackett 

So this can make a lot of change


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