
I am sai likhith,

I am from india,

And sir I am a scientist and I am working on a experiment and I am done

it and my experiment is 


Material used for this fuel system is 

the proposed vehicle consists of at least the following components:

· Solar panels (on vehicle roof) very small which is for safety we can use it or we can make it optional it will depends on the company so the solar panels are

 (not required)

· Battery (2)

· Device to capture and separate CO2 from air - 

· Device to split (2) CO2 in (1) C2 and (2) O2 - 

· cylindrical 2 fuel tank one is 50 Litres and another is 5 litres Tank for h2 and c2h2

· Device to generate  (acetylene, C2H2) out of C2 and H2

· internal combustion engine normal used for gasoline 

(depends on the company so which engine you will use you can mention here)

Cost see here:-

 So view the cost how much does this car will cost now you can tell that this fuel system car is the best car

Car battery (2) :- 200$

Device to capture air and CO2 and seperate the CO2        :- 100$

Device to split CO2 and make all process and make the CO2 as a C2 and o2 will be cost around         :- 100$

Device to genrate c2h2 from C2 and h2 will be cost.         :- 50$

Cylinder 50 litres fuel tank it will be cost around         :- 150-200$

Cylinder 5 litres fuel tank it will be cost around         :- 25-35$

Engine depends what will be used by the company :- (mention your engine value here)

Total cost to build this :- 625-685$

And you can see how this car will be look here :-

And you can see the electric car:-

Fuel system also see it will be cost around for the battery only 4000-6000 $ 

Dc converter cost :- 2200$

So here you can see only dc conventer and battery will cost more still there are more parts we want to calculate so view here

also Company will be get this doubt even so I am solving before about this are majority of doubt will be raised so view this a little

 Gaseous fuels, including H2 and natural gas, have a low (volume) energy density. C2H2 offers only slightly higher energy density than natural gas. In addition, high-pressure tanks, due to their necessarily spherical shape, are difficult to package in a vehicle. Therefore, it is very difficult to utilize gaseous fuels in high-performance vehicles and sports cars with customer acceptable range.

· The on-board generation of C2H2 utilizing H2 requires two fuel tanks for two different gaseous fuels, plus the CO2 capturing device. This is very difficult to realize in any of our passenger cars, without compromising range, passenger or luggage space.

· Besides package space, the overall system is much heavier than "conventional" liquid fuel internal combustion engine or battery electric powertrains. Therefore, the power to weight ratio is unsuitable for sports cars.

· The CO2 has to be captured from ambient air, has to be split into C2 (and O2), and has to be processed to C2H2, using electric energy from the solar roof. The exact power demand for all these sub-processes is not specified but has to be assumed to be significant. The roof area is limited and realistic electric power output in most regions of the world is significantly below power demand of vehicle for / while driving. Therefore, the vehicle would require significant "on-board refueling" stops to replenish the C2H2 reservoir - in addition to "conventional" refueling stops for H2. Customer-satisfying range or average travelling speeds seem to be very difficult to realize.

· C2H2 combustion shows very high flame temperatures, which is highly appreciated in welding. State of the art internal combustion engines for gasoline or diesel fuel would have to be expensively redesigned for this fuel. In addition, high flame temperatures increase NOx pollutant formation, which would significantly increase the exhaust aftertreatment effort in terms of cost and packaging space.

· To our knowledge, the generation of C2H2 is a complex process, involving e.g. an electric arc with resulting energy demand and package requirements.

· The CO2 captured from ambient air is neither extracted permanently from the atmosphere, nor is the O2 released permanently. Instead, the internal combustion engine of the vehicle will emit the amount of CO2 captured earlier, and extract the amount of O2 released earlier, with only short delay. That means, the vehicle's operation might be CO2-neutral (if the H2 was generated CO2-neutral) but will not help to decrease the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere.

Gaseous fuels, including H2 and natural gas, have a low (volume) energy density. C2H2 offers only slightly higher energy density than natural gas. In addition, high-pressure tanks, due to their necessarily spherical shape, are difficult to package in a vehicle. Therefore, it is very difficult to utilize gaseous fuels in high-performance vehicles and sports cars with customer acceptable range.

and first point is this so

Yes I will also support you in this but yes obviously it is some what true but h2 is a normal gaseous fuel low volume and eneragy density and c2h2 is also offers only slightly higher energy density that natural gas and also in addition gases are high pressure and so they want to be necessarily spherical shape and you has been mentioned are difficult to package in a vehicle but I want to tell that gaseous c2h2 fuel is the best fuel for the high performance vehicles and sports cars and this can be produce a high torque than electric and gas fuel system and also this can be produce a high power to the vehicle and also So by this sport cars and super car can be produce more speed that gas Vehicles and electric vehicles and so this can produce a lot of more speed so it is best fuel for the highly performanced vehicle and sports so it has high torque and high power and high speed than has and electric vehicles

The on-board generation of C2H2 utilizing H2 requires two fuel tanks for two different gaseous fuels, plus the CO2 capturing device. This is very difficult to realize in any of our passenger cars, without compromising range, passenger or luggage space.

and second point is

Yes there is on board generation of c2h2 and I want to tell there are two different gaseous fuel tank but there is some what a change because yes there are two fuel gas tank but some to same it take the same amount of space required for the petrol and diesel fuel tank because we will use two tanks but here one is bigger and one is smaller and I want to tell that  The biger tank for the h2 and another is for c2h2 which is smaller and the larger tank is 50 litres capacity and smaller one is 5 litres so why I has been so the h2 will be filled in 50 litres tank and c2h2 is converted and used in 5 litres tank and this is fuel efficiency and the when we full tank with h2 then we can run nearly 1500 - 2000 miles with the full tank and this 5 litres tank will be only fill when vehicle start then the h2 and C2 will convert and make the 5 liter tank full and then stop converting and after using the. It will convert again by this it will fuel efficiency 

And You has been mentioned there should be no luggage space and boot space and correct Passenger space

So I has been mentioned All problem solution at the image I has been given below view that image that will show complete passenger 4 or 5 seater car so view it that will solve you problems

Besides package space, the overall system is much heavier than "conventional" liquid fuel internal combustion engine or battery electric powertrains. Therefore, the power to weight ratio is unsuitable for sports cars.

And 3rd point is

So overall system is so lighter than liquid fuel first view image it much lighter power of weight ratio is suitable for the sports vehicle and this can produce much power and speed that normal liquid fuel and electric vehicle so it is also clear

· The CO2 has to be captured from ambient air, has to be split into C2 (and O2), and has to be processed to C2H2, using electric energy from the solar roof. The exact power demand for all these sub-processes is not specified but has to be assumed to be significant. The roof area is limited and realistic electric power output in most regions of the world is significantly below power demand of vehicle for / while driving. Therefore, the vehicle would require significant "on-board refueling" stops to replenish the C2H2 reservoir - in addition to "conventional" refueling stops for H2. Customer-satisfying range or average travelling speeds seem to be very difficult to realize.

And 4th point is

Yes the CO2 is captured from the air and has been splitted into C2 and o2 and has been processed to c2h2 using electric energy and some what pressure and I want to be tell that the most of the process is done by the pressure and others some factors and very few important process is done by electric energy like capturing the CO2 that some small amount of process and per mentioned we will be charge the battery by the solar panel and more the solar energy is stored in another batter for backup purpose if there is any problem with the main battery if the main battery occurs any problem or dead in the middle of the journey so there is a backup battery and on that time this backup battery will help and another main battery will chage by the solar panel and I want to tell yes in some cases if there is lack of the solar power in some regions like in some seasons especially on the winter and rainy season in that season there is not enough sun energy by that has been undertaken by me and also we has been mentioned a new thing that now a days we can see the hybrid cars the both liquid fuel and battery used for the travelling so when liquid fuel is used then it will automatically charge the battery when engine runs so here also we use the same technology here we will charge when engine runs also so I want to mention that there is very few usage of the battery in this and battery usage is Also very less here

Another thing is that the fueling process about it when the customer has been fuelled vehicle with the h2 full tank then the vehicle can run nearly 1500- 2000 miles non stop and it can be move at very faster than the normal car it more fuel efficiency than liquid fuel and electric fuel so this is factor I want to tell so there is 100% satisfaction for the customer with this vehicle there is customer satisfaction range and speed first of all I will give example

I has been taken ford endeavour when full tank it will be a 372 miles

And electric car range when fully charged is highest 412 miles

And same to same this fuel system car range is 1500 to 2000 miles it will between around 

So here this car fuel system can give a high range so because there is theory proof for it 

So this doubt is clear

C2H2 combustion shows very high flame temperatures, which is highly appreciated in welding. State of the art internal combustion engines for gasoline or diesel fuel would have to be expensively redesigned for this fuel. In addition, high flame temperatures increase NOx pollutant formation, which would significantly increase the exhaust aftertreatment effort in terms of cost and packaging space.

And 5th point is

So you has been mentioned that C2h2 is the the high flame temperature I obey with it but you has been mentioned that high flame temperature increases the NOx pollutants formation but there is some small change

And I want to tell that there is a research done that with is the best fuel are not produce the green house gases then the best fuels are been mentioned that C2h2 and h2 are the fuels which will not produce majority of the the green house gases and this are the eco friendly fuel also so yes the c2h2 is high flame temperature gas but there is a positive point for this vehicle is that which fuel have the less number of hydro carbons they are green house gases free so there are the least hydro carbons in the c2h2 so this point make it as green house gases and pollutants free so NOx pollutants are not produced by c2h2 so this problem is cleared

Sorry for you has been mentioned that is will take more packaging space so view the image it will show how small amount of packaging space is required to use this in the vehicles

And in terms of cost it will cost lesser than the electric vehicles so this is the best for the vehicle

The CO2 captured from ambient air is neither extracted permanently from the atmosphere, nor is the O2 released permanently. Instead, the internal combustion engine of the vehicle will emit the amount of CO2 captured earlier, and extract the amount of O2 released earlier, with only short delay. That means, the vehicle's operation might be CO2-neutral (if the H2 was generated CO2-neutral) but will not help to decrease the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere.

And 6th point is

The CO2 is extracted from the atmosphere and the o2 is released permanently from the vehicle with the CO2 extraction and when using car the vehicle will not emit the CO2 captured earlier so it will be stored and will be Converted when the vehicle started and this cannot be emit faster than the conversation the conversation process is very fast and also internal combustion done so there is no problem in this point
this conversation process is very fast as the normal petrol and diesel vehicle internal combustion done in seconds so same to same this process is looking a lot but it is much faster than the liquid fuel so also when the CO2 enters this process once then it will converted so there there is no problem in this point also the

And I want to tell that o2 is not required to for this process but the o2 will extracted from this process so the o2 will alway release and it is not used in this vehicle and every element and compound is not neutral I want to tell every element has been used in this vehicle except the o2 which is released 

And I want to tell that you has been mentioned that it will be not decrease the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere it is wrong but it can be decrease the CO2 in concentration in the atmosphere I want to tell the conversation rate about it 

1 car can convert nearly 5 tonnes of co2 into O2 in a day

1 million car can convert 5 million tonnes of co2 into O2 in a day

1.825 billion tonnes with in a year with the 1 million cars only so you can imagine about it

100 million cars can convert 500 million tonnes of co2 into O2 in a day 

182.5 billion tonnes of co2 into O2 in a year so

Here I want to tell every sale can convert CO2 in o2 every day so

Every sale can convert so we want to sell and the car will help and if we can continue this type of selling than we can make it as trend and every one will buy this car because it can change the CO2 concentration and after we can start its production we can Convert a maximum percentage of co2 into O2 and make the earth the best One

So I want to tell we can control the 70% of global warming and also we can end the CO2 in the earth but there is no proper percentage I can mention a single if we sell more than we can stop and convert the more CO2 into O2 but I can tell if we start production then we can convert nearly 30-40% CO2 in earth into O2 I can tell and if we can sell more cars than we expected so we can convert even more but we can take the 30%-40% in our control within 1 year of period I can be confident to tell this so 

I think I have answers to all your problems and questions for you so

So this is proof that acetylene can be run vehicle more range so view it there is a experiment done and been saw this result

Weight of one small car is 2.7 tons, and average running distance is 400 km, so full tank of acetylene can run around 600 km. We also compared weight differences between gasoline and acetylene-powered engine. Existing configurations for fuel injection in a gasoline-engine will be adapted for acetylene.

And so this is the fact I want to acetylene is the best fuel and my process is also the best one for you and you can view this prototype of the vehicle there is same process but I has been mentioned in a passenger car

This just a self questions like FAQs I has been made gave you this procedure

How this fuel system is Different and better than the electric car fuel system and the gasoline and diesel and petrol fuel system and what are speciality of this type of fuel system which has been developed by me :-

And let we see here I has been named this fuel system as a CO2 fuel system and here we can see that difference that let see about pollution

Pollution and CO2 emissions and green house gases :-

Diesel and petrol and gasoline fuel system:-

Here we can see that this type of fuel will be taken as a fuel for vehicle and due to internal combustion the green house CO2 will be released and we know about it that CO2 is mainly increased day by day by the pollution by this type of fuel system and let we see here that so for that more CO2 emissions is problem for us so it is the majority of pollution reason and let we see about here the electric fuel Vehicle and my fuel system which is developed by me the CO2 fuel system

Electric fuel system:-

And let we see how the electric car is best way see I will explain some points by this you can conclude this that in terms of pollution the electric car does not release any gas because it is totally work with the electric energy so it will not release any of the green of gases and the CO2 and so by this it is a best fuel system but I want to tell that it is not mostly best because

Electric car will be just stop pollution and  the CO2 and stop green house gases just it will stop the CO2 and it doesn't make any change to the atmosphere because

And now it the earth still no we has been polluted most of earth and we are just want to stop the pollution and CO2 emissions so I want to tell that it is not enough for us and I want Tell that from the past 100 years nearly 1° C  has been rised and still if we stop pollution and CO2 emissions from the vehicle it is not enough for us and because our day to day life and revolution we are just making more CO2 emissions by the factories and construction and deforestation and more so by stoping in this sector of vehicle it is not stop the global warming yes it stop but in very few percentage a 30%

In total, the US transportation sector—which includes cars, trucks, planes, trains, ships, and freight—produces nearly thirty percent of all US global warming emissions, more than almost any other sector

here we can see by the vehicles 30% of global warming is recorded so still 70% is from the another sector so here we want to see we want to end the CO2 and we want to decrease the CO2 so I will be tell how can we

Here I will discuss how my fuel system has been overcome this problem and help us

CO2 fuel system which is developed by me :-

And here I want to tell that this is the best option here that this is the fuel system which has been developed by me in terms of the pollution and green house gases and CO2 emissions it is the best way to stop them that I want to tell that the process

This fuel system will be absorb the CO2 from atmosphere and we will be fill the h2 and by this this both will react and give us the c2h2 and o2 and you can't know correctly how it possible so visit the data which I has been mentioned that theory and procedure and how it work it explain about how this work that means this type of fuel means

That this will be take CO2 as fuel and release the o2

So I want to tell that each car can convert 5 tonnes of co2 into O2 each car per day

So by every vehicle we can convert 5 tonnes of co2 into O2 per day so here you can see that

It will not stop CO2 but 

It will decrease the CO2 by every car amount of 5 tonnes and release 3-4 tonnes of o2 to atmosphere so here you can conclude

It will decrease CO2 and increase o2

And here you can see that

Gasoline:- it will only increase CO2 and other green house gases

Electric car:- no change it it will not increase or decrease CO2 and not increase or decrease o2

CO2 fuel system:- decrease CO2 and increase o2 

Nearly by each car we can convert 5 tonnes of co2 into O2

I want to tell if we sell nearly 10 million CO2 fuelled car we can convert 50 million tonnes of co2 into O2 in a day and we can produce 30-40 million tonnes of o2 and

 if there is more sales then we have less CO2 and more o2

Cost :-

Gasoline and petrol and diesel fuel car:-

And the normal average gasoline car will be take nearly from 14,000$ to 18,000$ and this much of cost it will take to produce and we will not discuss about it now and let we see electric and my CO2 fuel car system

Electric car:-

And here we can see that for manufacturing a electric car it will cost us  19,000$ to 21,000$ for production of a each car and here I want to tell see this and now let we see how much does my idea will cost us

CO2 fuel car system developed by me :-

And here we can conclude that for manufacturing this car it will cost us nearly average a 16,000$ to 18,000$ why and it will cost less than electric car to manufacturing it and I will be tell the difference we can save nearly 1,000$ to 5,000$ nearly so by saving this much will be make another car so here we can conclude that it will cost us less see this

Let we see results:-

Gasoline:- 14,000$ to 18,000$

Electric car:- 19,000$ to 21,000$

CO2 fuel system car:- 16,000$ to 18,000$

We can conclude here that it is more affordable for production

Let see which is better by comparison:-

Electric car:-

* It will just stop the CO2 emissions and doesn't release any gases

* It is will quite expensive than normal car

* It is a fuel efficiency and better for us also and Lett see next comparison and we know about this and this will give us the best range also when fully charged

*And I want to tell that by electric car we can't stop global warming but we can decrease the 30% global warming but now in this world it will always be global warming by any of sector and in our development we can make more global warming also so by stoping it is not enough but by decrease the CO2 and increase o2 will help us 

* And I want to tell from last 50 years in Antarctica the temperature has been increased by the 3°c and let's we see the reson is global warming and and according to scientists analysis if the 2°c more rised then there is big problem to us that the ice will be melt in the antartica and if the ice melt in Antarctica then we will loss most of fresh water and also the ocean will rises nearly 13 meter all over the world so coastal areas will be flooded and destroyed so here we can see that

*There is more global warming and majority it is by the CO2 so we won't want to stop CO2 now but we want to decrease it so all over the world is trying this so I want to tell this we want to decrease CO2 and increase o2 and when o2 is increases the earth will be cool down

*And it is eco-friendly

CO2 fuel system car:-

* It will stop the CO2 emissions but it will decrease CO2 in atmosphere and increase o2 to atmosphere why let see this will take CO2 in term of fuel with the h2 and give us the fuel product and o2 and by this nearly

Each car con convert 5 tonnes of co2 into O2 per day 

And if we can sell 10 million car in term of sales then we can convert 50 million tonnes of co2 into O2 per day that means 18 billion tonnes of co2 into O2 in a year by just 10 million car sales and by this

Also in 18 billion tonnes it will give nearly 12 billion tonnes of o2 to the atmosphere and this is a huge conversation by just 10 million cars and if we can make 100 million car sales then we can convert 500 million tonnes of co2 into O2 per day and 1.8 trillion tonnes in a year and give 1.2 trillion tonnes of o2 to the atmosphere

* So for every sale we are decrease CO2 and increase o2 every sale is precious for our life and earth

* There is more global warming and majority it is by the CO2 so we won't want to stop CO2 now but we want to decrease it so all over the world is trying this so I want to tell this we want to decrease CO2 and increase o2 and when o2 is increases the earth will be cool down

* It is quite cheaper and same price as the normal car

* and it is nearly 1,000$ to 5,000$ cheaper than electric car in production so in production only we can save more

* It is mostly eco-friendly than the electric car

In my terms that this CO2 fuel system car is mostly useful for us to make our earth as the best place and it better that electric car

And so I conclude this and you can also think about it deeply you can find this is the best idea for you in term of fuel system for vehicle and I want to tell that I don't tell the electric car is worst but I am telling that electric car is best but this car is better than electric car now for this earth both electric and CO2 fuel system car is important and just we want to make to help earth by this sector in all global warming and more thinks


Sir this is  the mechanism

Procedure and theory and the documentary is this sir

Dear sir,

I want to tell there is no unknown element is there here and I want to tell

this process and this car also process this method

When I want to tell the that the one fan will be outside of the car which

will be operated and then it will such the air and the dust also with it and

dust will comes out and again with the special technology on it will filter

it like this CO2 and o2 and other gases so by this the o2 and the other

gases will be comes out of the car with the special type of pressure and

the CO2 and another CO2 will be comes together and forms the 2co2

means dicarbon dioxide and it is not a new element it also exist and now

when we take the 2co2 and we will make a decomposition of it with a

process of special and it will be divided into the 2co2=C2+2o2 you can

verify this equation also sir and now the 2o2 when enters out from the

car automatically it converts into the 2o2=o2+o2 and you can also verify

it also sir and now last product is the C2 and now we will take this C2 and

add it to the h2 which is filled and now when this start converting we has

been know this that 


And you can verify this equation also so the it forms as the acethelene

and now this acethelene is our final product which is used as a fuel of the


There it is looks so simple process to me also but it take time because it is a complex process so it takes 3 years for me I can show this for you This process looks like this I has been sended images for you below seethe process

I will teach that when the air enters it divides and now

CO2(carbon dioxide)+CO2(carbon dioxide)=2CO2 (di carbon dioxide)

And then we taken the 2CO2 and we send it to another process

2CO2(di carbon dioxide)=C2(carbon)+2o2

And now the 2o2 will be sent out of the car and the now the

2o2=o2(oxygen)+o2(oxygen) so it comes out

Now there is only the C2 left you can see and now the C2 is added to the

h2 to form the acethelene

C2(corbon as gas form)+H2(Hydrogen)=c2h2(acethelene)

And now the c2h2(acethelene) is our fuel product you can see this sir

And now the element and compounds included are this

C2,h2,o2,2o2,2co2,CO2 so this are the elements which we can see in this

reaction and you can verify each and every element in this and this all

are existed and by a certain conditions and pressure and temperature it

will be depends so it it difficult to know I has been know about it

So this is a data which help you and also you can verify about this by the


Proof how does the acethelene used as a fuel for the engine:

Now I will give some YouTube links many people trys the acetylene as a

fuel for vehicle

Links are

Many experiment and schools and other are try the acetylene as a fuel

for the vehicle

So view this video's 

That confirm the c2h2 as a fuel

So there is one more step forward to our project

And now I am trying you to help me sir please

Conservation :

1 day = 5 billion tonnes of co2 into O2

1 month = 150 billion tonnes of co2 into O2

1 year = 1.8 trillion tonnes of co2 into O2

2 years = 3.6 trillion tonnes of co2 into the o2

As per a report there is a 3 trillion tonnes of the CO2 exist in the atmosphere

So by this we are completely destroying the CO2 from the atmosphere and it should be a negative percentage of the CO2 the atmosphere 

And we can also increase upto a 2.4 trillion tonnes of co2 to the atmosphere then

And let we see how this will matter and and how can it give profit to the customer,company, government,world,nature and environment


In every company there is one rule that customer will be want to happy then company will be happy and here the costumer will be gain a lot because now a day company car give mileage of 30-36 MPG and if use this car fuel technology then we can give a mileage of 50-60 MPG and also it can produce a most a lot of speed with normal car engine we can produce a speed of 250 to 280 MPH and so but company always maintain a same speed so it is you wish and we can increase speed to 250-280 MPH if we want and we can also remain at our constant speed also it is company wish and the fuel is the best fuel and it is mostly fuel efficiency and also there are more profit and also if company want to be create a sport company then it is best cance because with V12 engine normaly can produce a speed of 227MPH so with this engine and with this fuel system we can produce a speed of 300-350MPH with normal v12 engine so you can know how best is this fuel and let's we see how the company will gain in next


And let's we see company how can gain by my idea

And first or all I want to tell that it depends on the sales yes I will tell you that does this increase the sales of company and let we see company sales of last ten years 2010 to 2020 so let we see this 

2010- 1,461,170 sales
2011- 1,668,980 sales
2012- 1,845,980 sales
2013- 1,963,800 sales
2014- 2,117,970 sales
2015- 2,257,900 sales
2016- 2,349,960 sales
2017- 2,465,020 sales
2018- 2,486,150 sales
2019- 2,537,500 sales
2020- 2,325,180 sales

Total 2010 to 2020- 23,479,610 sales

And this are the sales report so from the last ten years company sold 23,479,610 cars so it is a realy a lot 
And I want to tell that why I mentioned about the sales yes I can be increase the sales because let we see how and I want to tell that when we make this technology then we can convert 5 tonnes of co2 into O2 per day by each car so also we want to see we are not ending the CO2 but also giving the o2 by this we are ending CO2 and giving the o2 by this government support us and I want to tell how the government support us every one has been raised a question and I will be explain it that and just we can see that
Government support the electric car because it is helpful for the world so the tesla manufacturing the electric car so every government support the tesla and tesla has been got a more sales and it became a most biggest car company and it crossed toyota also and even mostly and it settled into on top place for a which so I want to tell that tesla has been got the government support so it can be done and by this tesla is manufactured the electric car and also making a lot profit also and this is what I am telling that same to same why the government support the electric car because the electric car does not release the CO2 and it ends the pollution and even more profits also so government support the tesla car and I want to tell that same to same
That when we start this type fuel car that this car will take the CO2 as a fuel and it undergo into some process and then react with h2 and give us o2 and best fuel and so I want to tell that we are taking the CO2 and give the o2 and this is the best way and I want to remain this also by this way of fuel we are 

converting the 5 tonnes of co2 into o2 per day / per car

That means this is major point that the government support us and government want to end the CO2 and end the pollution and end harmful gases  and More so they choose the electric car this chance so

We are also ending the CO2 and growing the o2 and not release the harmful gases and this can end the pollution and give a lot of o2 and help all the humans so I want again tell we are coveting 5 tonnes of co2 into O2 per day by each car so it is a best chance and

By this we can get the government support instead of electric vehicles they will be prefer this type of car which are produced by our company so it is the best one and so in terms of sales and taxes and even more we will get the profit and we can boost our sales

And I made a survey and research and even more experiment in the public and government and even it a 100% accurate results of sales we can be sell as per this let we see 

If you support me then we can do this 
It is 100% accurate and correct and complete and real number of sales done by the company if use my technology 

2023- 15,000,000 - 30,000,000 sales

2024- 150,000,000 - 250,000,000 sales

2025- 350,000,000 - 400,000,000 sales

2026- 400,000,000 - 420,000,000 sales

2027- 475,000,000 - 500,000,000 sales

2028- 70,000,000 - 125,000,000 sales

And sales done by me let we see

2023-2028 =

1,460,000,000 to 1,725,000,000 sales 

Done by my idea let we see it

So this 100% accurate results of sales and we sell this car really if we can collaborate and make this and please view my experiment and just with my fuel technology and we can end the CO2 and give o2 and this are called a second are second tree because why I used the term tree because real tree will be take the CO2 and release the o2 same to same our car also take the CO2 and release o2 so we can sell cars

Revenue of company:-

And let see the company revenue from the 2010 to 2020 and let we see it at below 

And let we see total revenue from 2010 to 2020

2010 to 2020 = 1,145,673,000,000 $

So company earned 1.1 trillion usd revenue from last 10 years so let we see

So we are sell this many cars byy idea so let we see how much of revenue we can make by my technology of car is

And note I has been taken an average car price is of 20,000$ I made as average so it can be vary but in my terms we can make our car as affordable to all the customer and we can make each car as a price of 20,000$

2023- 300 billion USD - 600 billion USD revenue

2024- 3 trillion USD - 5 trillion USD revenue

2025- 7 trillion USD - 8 trillion USD revenue

2026- 8 trillion USD - 8.4 trillion USD revenue

2027- 9.5 trillion USD - 10 trillion USD revenue

2028- 1.4 trillion USD - 2.5 trillion USD revenue

So we can get a revenue in the trillion dollars and so let we see by my technology let we see in just 6 years of much revenue was made by my technology 

2023-2028 =29.2 trillion USD - 34.5 trillion USd revenue 

By technology is the profit

So there are some more profit company will be gain as per sales and it can be a global brand and also 


And let we see how the government will gain 

In the country there should be no pollution and no more CO2 and and also by our car the contry whould be filled with the most of the oxygen instead of pollution and by this the whole world will be visit the country and so the tourism will be increased because it is a fresh air so country is pollution free and country contain pure o2 and this help us a lot every human can be very happy by this and in taxes government will get a profit also and also government can be make a best tourism and can earn a lot and even more profit for the government so let's end this topic and let see next topic



First off all let's we discuss about trees now a day there are 3.4 trillion trees in the world and so 

Globally, there are estimated to be 3.04 trillion trees.
This means that there are roughly 422 trees for every person on earth

And so let we see how much of co2 does a tree convert or absorb let see 

A mature tree absorbs carbon dioxide at a rate of 48 pounds (or) 21.777 kg per year. In one year, an acre of forest can absorb twice the CO2 produced by the average car's annual mileage.

And let we see here that this mentioned that  we measure about how much CO2 is absorbed by the trees per year let see

3.04 trillion trees * 21.77 kg / 1000 kg (we are converting into tonnes) = 

74.018 billion tonnes of co2 per year

So as per a trees can convert only 74 billion tonnes in the world and so 

Let we see here that how much our car can convert here 

Each car can convert 5 tonnes of co2 into O2 per day

And after producing all car so 1.4 billion cars I mentioned so let we see here

Per day:-

1.4 billion cars * 5 tonnes = 7 billion tonnes of co2 into O2 per day

Per month:-

7 billion tonnes * 30 days = 210 billion tonnes of co2 into O2 per month

Per year:-

7 billion tonnes * 365 days = 2.5 trillion tonnes of co2 into O2 

As per this trees can convert 74 billion tonnes per year 

as per our cars can convert 77 billion tonnes of co2 into O2 in a 11 days 

That means we are converting in a year 2.5 trillion tonnes of co2 into O2 per year so let we see that trees can convert this scale in 34 years only so our cars are mostly more that means let we see

Our cars 1 year conversations of co2 into o2 = trees 34 years of conversions of co2 into o2

So we are 34 years straight forward so let we see here

Earth,nature,humans,animals and environment:-

And I want to discuss that how does this can help Earth,nature,humans,animals and environment

1. This can be helpful for the earth so there should be more oxygen and we are giving 2.55 trillion tonnes of co2 into o2 and we are 34 times more that tree conversation per year 

2. There should be a no global warming in the earth

3. And earth should be more cool and there should be no pollution maximumly 

4. And if there is a more oxygen available in the world then as per a report if more oxygen is available then the human lifespan is increases

5. so every person could be live more and also it there is more o2 then human will not get more diseases in the world sir 

6. Our cars 1 year conversations of co2 into o2 = trees 34 years of conversions of co2 into o2

7. 1 car = 84,000 trees 

Why I told 1 car= 84 trees because 1 car can convert 1825 tonnes of co2 per year and 84,000 trees can convert 1824 tonnes of co2 per year so that why I told you this one that means

8. that means I want to tell that 

The amount of oxygen that you breathe in a day is estimated to The amount of oxygen that you breathe in a day is estimated to be about 7.2 kilograms. That totals about 11,000 liters of air per day. Therefore, about 5-percent of breathed air is consumed in each breath

And 7.2 kg of oxygen a person breathe every day that means 

1 car can convert 5000 kg of co2 and so every car can give 700 people's oxygen 

1 car= 700 humans oxygen this is a lot

And each tree can produce 1.42 grams of o2 per day that means nearly 

5000 trees = 1 person required oxygen 

So nearly it is a lot you can know it

9. There are more profit but there are thousands and lakhs of profit to the earth but we can't express that much here 

How this fuel system is Different and better than the electric car fuel system and the gasoline and diesel and petrol fuel system and what are speciality of this type of fuel system which has been developed by me :-

And let we see here I has been named this fuel system as a CO2 fuel system and here we can see that difference that let see about pollution

Pollution and CO2 emissions and green house gases :-

Diesel and petrol and gasoline fuel system:-

Here we can see that this type of fuel will be taken as a fuel for vehicle and due to internal combustion the green house CO2 will be released and we know about it that CO2 is mainly increased day by day by the pollution by this type of fuel system and let we see here that so for that more CO2 emissions is problem for us so it is the majority of pollution reason and let we see about here the electric fuel Vehicle and my fuel system which is developed by me the CO2 fuel system

Electric fuel system:-

And let we see how the electric car is best way see I will explain some points by this you can conclude this that in terms of pollution the electric car does not release any gas because it is totally work with the electric energy so it will not release any of the green of gases and the CO2 and so by this it is a best fuel system but I want to tell that it is not mostly best because

Electric car will be just stop pollution and  the CO2 and stop green house gases just it will stop the CO2 and it doesn't make any change to the atmosphere because

And now it the earth still no we has been polluted most of earth and we are just want to stop the pollution and CO2 emissions so I want to tell that it is not enough for us and I want Tell that from the past 100 years nearly 1° C  has been rised and still if we stop pollution and CO2 emissions from the vehicle it is not enough for us and because our day to day life and revolution we are just making more CO2 emissions by the factories and construction and deforestation and more so by stoping in this sector of vehicle it is not stop the global warming yes it stop but in very few percentage a 30%

In total, the US transportation sector—which includes cars, trucks, planes, trains, ships, and freight—produces nearly thirty percent of all US global warming emissions, more than almost any other sector

here we can see by the vehicles 30% of global warming is recorded so still 70% is from the another sector so here we want to see we want to end the CO2 and we want to decrease the CO2 so I will be tell how can we

Here I will discuss how my fuel system has been overcome this problem and help us

CO2 fuel system which is developed by me :-

And here I want to tell that this is the best option here that this is the fuel system which has been developed by me in terms of the pollution and green house gases and CO2 emissions it is the best way to stop them that I want to tell that the process

This fuel system will be absorb the CO2 from atmosphere and we will be fill the h2 and by this this both will react and give us the c2h2 and o2 and you can't know correctly how it possible so visit the data which I has been mentioned that theory and procedure and how it work it explain about how this work that means this type of fuel means

That this will be take CO2 as fuel and release the o2

So I want to tell that each car can convert 5 tonnes of co2 into O2 each car per day

So by every vehicle we can convert 5 tonnes of co2 into O2 per day so here you can see that

It will not stop CO2 but 

It will decrease the CO2 by every car amount of 5 tonnes and release 3-4 tonnes of o2 to atmosphere so here you can conclude

It will decrease CO2 and increase o2

And here you can see that

Gasoline:- it will only increase CO2 and other green house gases

Electric car:- no change it it will not increase or decrease CO2 and not increase or decrease o2

CO2 fuel system:- decrease CO2 and increase o2 

Nearly by each car we can convert 5 tonnes of co2 into O2

I want to tell if we sell nearly 10 million CO2 fuelled car we can convert 50 million tonnes of co2 into O2 in a day and we can produce 30-40 million tonnes of o2 and

 if there is more sales then we have less CO2 and more o2

Cost :-

Gasoline and petrol and diesel fuel car:-

And the normal average gasoline car will be take nearly from 14,000$ to 18,000$ and this much of cost it will take to produce and we will not discuss about it now and let we see electric and my CO2 fuel car system

Electric car:-

And here we can see that for manufacturing a electric car it will cost us  19,000$ to 21,000$ for production of a each car and here I want to tell see this and now let we see how much does my idea will cost us

CO2 fuel car system developed by me :-

And here we can conclude that for manufacturing this car it will cost us nearly average a 16,000$ to 18,000$ why and it will cost less than electric car to manufacturing it and I will be tell the difference we can save nearly 1,000$ to 5,000$ nearly so by saving this much will be make another car so here we can conclude that it will cost us less see this

Let we see results:-

Gasoline:- 14,000$ to 18,000$

Electric car:- 19,000$ to 21,000$

CO2 fuel system car:- 16,000$ to 18,000$

We can conclude here that it is more affordable for production

Let see which is better by comparison:-

Electric car:-

* It will just stop the CO2 emissions and doesn't release any gases

* It is will quite expensive than normal car

* It is a fuel efficiency and better for us also and Lett see next comparison and we know about this and this will give us the best range also when fully charged

*And I want to tell that by electric car we can't stop global warming but we can decrease the 30% global warming but now in this world it will always be global warming by any of sector and in our development we can make more global warming also so by stoping it is not enough but by decrease the CO2 and increase o2 will help us 

* And I want to tell from last 50 years in Antarctica the temperature has been increased by the 3°c and let's we see the reson is global warming and and according to scientists analysis if the 2°c more rised then there is big problem to us that the ice will be melt in the antartica and if the ice melt in Antarctica then we will loss most of fresh water and also the ocean will rises nearly 13 meter all over the world so coastal areas will be flooded and destroyed so here we can see that

*There is more global warming and majority it is by the CO2 so we won't want to stop CO2 now but we want to decrease it so all over the world is trying this so I want to tell this we want to decrease CO2 and increase o2 and when o2 is increases the earth will be cool down

*And it is eco-friendly

CO2 fuel system car:-

* It will stop the CO2 emissions but it will decrease CO2 in atmosphere and increase o2 to atmosphere why let see this will take CO2 in term of fuel with the h2 and give us the fuel product and o2 and by this nearly

Each car con convert 5 tonnes of co2 into O2 per day 

And if we can sell 10 million car in term of sales then we can convert 50 million tonnes of co2 into O2 per day that means 18 billion tonnes of co2 into O2 in a year by just 10 million car sales and by this

Also in 18 billion tonnes it will give nearly 12 billion tonnes of o2 to the atmosphere and this is a huge conversation by just 10 million cars and if we can make 100 million car sales then we can convert 500 million tonnes of co2 into O2 per day and 1.8 trillion tonnes in a year and give 1.2 trillion tonnes of o2 to the atmosphere

* So for every sale we are decrease CO2 and increase o2 every sale is precious for our life and earth

* There is more global warming and majority it is by the CO2 so we won't want to stop CO2 now but we want to decrease it so all over the world is trying this so I want to tell this we want to decrease CO2 and increase o2 and when o2 is increases the earth will be cool down

* It is quite cheaper and same price as the normal car

* and it is nearly 1,000$ to 5,000$ cheaper than electric car in production so in production only we can save more

* It is mostly eco-friendly than the electric car

In my terms that this CO2 fuel system car is mostly useful for us to make our earth as the best place and it better that electric car

And so I conclude this and you can also think about it deeply you can find this is the best idea for you in term of fuel system for vehicle and I want to tell that I don't tell the electric car is worst but I am telling that electric car is best but this car is better than electric car now for this earth both electric and CO2 fuel system car is important and just we want to make to help earth by this sector in all global warming and more thinks

Profit of this experiment :

And let's we discuss the profits of this experiment they are :-

1. There should be a no global warming in the earth

2. And earth should be more cool and there should be no pollution maximumly 

3. And if there is a more oxygen available in the world then as per a report if more oxygen is available then the human lifespan is increases

4. so every person could be live more and also it there is more o2 then human will not get more diseases in the world sir

5. And also it is more helpful to the world more so there are more profit etc

6. As per company can earn there are 1.4 billion cars in the world and let's we take each car cost a 20,000 dollars so

1.4 billion cars * 20,000 $ =28 trillions dollars

And let's we see 10 trillions for production so

28 trillion $ - 10 trillion $ = 14 trillion $

So 14 trillion dollars are the profit only so it will be increase the company net worth too so let's we move

So sir can you please contact me 

For contact me:

Name:- m.sai likhith

Phone number :- +918185816363

Email address

Country:-   india

And so it is more profitable for you sir

My patent sir you can be see here 


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