The idea that will change the mars atmosphere by that we know mars has 33 million tonnes of co2 and this idea will convert the 33 million tonnes of co2 into the o2 and it should be complete in 11 months and by this the mars contain 95% of o2 on it atmosphere and this idea is verified by the top scientists in the world

 Dear respective sir I am sai likhith

My experiment is how to convert the 33 million tonnes of co2 in mars into O2


Dear sir mechanism will be at the down sir of the file which is attached


Dear sir I want to tell that my invention is how to convert the CO2 into the o2

Sir I want to discuss that I have an idea that how to convert the CO2 into O2 so sir I has been worked for 3 years on it

So sir my idea is how to create a Vehicle which can convert the CO2 into O2 in mars
So sir I first want to tell that we know that 33 million tonnes of co2 in the mars so I want to tell 33 million tonnes are more so I want to tell that I can convert the whole CO2 in mars into O2 in 11 months only yes sir in 330 days only so I want tell how it possible

So sir my project is been worked on this one

The CO2 will be obsorbed from the atmosphere and it is added to h2 element and it will be converted into the o2 and fuel for vehicle that fuel product is c2h2(acetylene)

So by this sir I want to tell that the c2h2 is a perfect product and eco-friendly fuel for vehicle sir

And by this we gain the o2 and the fuel for vehicle


The CO2 is obsorbed from the atmosphere and added to the h2 element and this will be give us the acetylene and the o2 sir

Process is the 

CO2 + h2 = c2h2 +02

Sir you can think that how this happen regularly

CO2 +h2 = ch4 +h2o

But how it happen means 

The CO2 will be undergoes to split into the C2 +02 and 

Then the C2 will be gone to react with the h2 and gives the product c2h2

And by this the c2h2 is a fuel and divided o2 is comes out

This the main process

And the splitting of co2 is very secret method which was teachen only for 2 years from 1800 to 1802 and this is not done successfully on that time then they left and this fact is not there in any history we want reasearch correctly to find it

On that time there is no proper science and knowledge on that but now we have a technology to do it so we want to do it now sir

Proof how does c2h2 as a fuel

Now I wi give some YouTube links many people trys the acetylene as a fuel for vehicle

Links are 

Many experiment and schools and other are try the acetylene as a fuel for the vehicle

So view this video's 

That confirm the c2h2 as a fuel

So there is one more step forward to our project

Quantity of transfer and time take 

So I want to tell how it possible that each vehicle can be convert this quantity

5 tonnes of co2 per day

150 tonnes of co2 per month

1825 tonnes of co2 per year

Each vehicle can be I want to discuss when we transport 20,000 vehicles to mars then it should be 

100,000 tonnes of co2 per day

3 million tonnes of co2 per month

36.5 million tonnes of co2 per year

And note that it this quantity converted into o2 because in this vehicle it releases the o2 so how much it we can convert it changes as the o2

So in this we can learn that within 11 months it can be moved and again I want to tell some calculations

money saving idea on this project

For now if we use our existing technology to convert it should be cost nearly 400 billion dollars and 50 years of time

And by using my technology it should be better to do It costs 30 billion dollars and 11 months of time

So we can conclude that my method whould be more better which can save the 370 billion dollars and more time so my method should be easier and affordable


This project is verified from the top scientists in the world

Contact info

Phone number :+918185816363
Name:sai likhith

Sir it looks like simple but there is more process


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