
Showing posts from May, 2021


 Dear sir I am a scientist and I whould like to send it for you that 8 has been founder many technology and it is helpful for you mission mars and so the experiment name is   Experiment name:  how to convert the whole CO2 in mars into the o2 yes sir the 33 million tonnes of co2 present in the mars into the o2 within a 4months and it is verified by the top 10 scientists in the world please Dear sir it helpful for you a lot and also I want to tell that please visit this link and you will get complete details of experiment and this will be helpful for you a lot sir For contact me: Name:-  m.sai likhith Phone number :-  +918185816363 Email address :- Country:-    india And for complete details please visit this link :- It helpful and please one time can you visit this link


 I am sai likhith, I am from india, And sir I am a scientist and I am working on a experiment and I am done it and my experiment is Experiment name:  how to convert the whole CO2 in mars into the o2 yes sir the 33 million tonnes of co2 present in the mars into the o2 within a 4 months and it is verified by the top 10 scientists in the world please support me sir Sir I am working in a car which can convert the whole CO2 in mars into the o2 and this will convert the CO2 into O2 and a fuel for vehicle Let's we see the mechanism sir I has been developed it Mechanism: Sir this is  the mechanism My car design is : This is a car design and car should be look like this sir Procedure and theory and the documentary is this sir Dear sir, I want to tell there is no unknown element is there here and I want to tell this process and this car also process this method When I want to tell the that the one fan will be outside of the car which will be operated and then it will such the air and the dus


I am sai likhith, I am from india, And sir I am a scientist and I am working on a experiment and I am done it and my experiment is  Patent  Material used for this fuel system is  the proposed vehicle consists of at least the following components: · Solar panels (on vehicle roof) very small which is for safety we can use it or we can make it optional it will depends on the company so the solar panels are  (not required) · Battery (2) · Device to capture and separate CO2 from air -  · Device to split (2) CO2 in (1) C2 and (2) O2 -  · cylindrical 2 fuel tank one is 50 Litres and another is 5 litres Tank for h2 and c2h2 · Device to generate  (acetylene, C2H2) out of C2 and H2 · internal combustion engine normal used for gasoline  (depends on the company so which engine you will use you can mention here) Cost see here:-  So view the cost how much does this car will cost now you can tell that this fuel system car is the best car Car battery (2) :- 200$ Device to capture air and CO2 and seper